Slaidburn Patient Participation Group
Slaidburn Health Centre – Copy for PPG information on Website
The Patient Participation Group (PPG)
The Patient Participation Group (PPG) was re-formed in 2019 following the appointment of Dr Amy Bonner. The new PPG has adopted a formal Constitution and Terms of Reference. A selection of these are as follows and the full document can be viewed by following the link below.
1. Aims of the Patient Participation Group (PPG)
1.1 To facilitate good relations between the GP practice (referred to as the ‘practice’ throughout this document) and patients by communicating patient experience, interests and concerns and providing feedback to the practice on current procedures and proposed new developments.
1.2 To work collaboratively and positively with the practice to improve services and facilities for patients and to act as a sounding board for practice staff on issues affecting patients.
1.3 To build two-way communication and co-operation between the practice and patients, other individuals and organisations in healthcare, and the wider community to the mutual benefit of all.
1.4 To act as a representative group to support the practice and influence local provision of health and social care.
2. PPG Structure and Membership
2.1 Membership of the PPG shall be open to all registered patients. Membership should, as far as possible, reflect the patient profile and be widely representative and inclusive of different genders, ethnicities, ages and abilities as required in the GP contract.
Virtual PPG
2.7 To support the PPG and extend its reach, the PPG will establish an online group to be called the Virtual Patient Participation Group (VPPG). Any patient may volunteer to join the VPPG. The PPG will regularly contact the VPPG in order to obtain their views on specific matters.
3. Management of the Face-to-Face PPG and the Virtual PPG
3.1 The PPG shall meet face to face no fewer than four times a year. The PPG may meet more regularly for planning purposes and liaison with the practice staff if required.
4. Annual General Meeting
4.2 The Chair of the PPG will convene an Annual General Meeting open to all registered patients and carers before the end of the selected month each year. The date, venue and time shall be published at least one month prior to the meeting by means, at least, of a notice in the surgery waiting room and on the surgery website.
5. Confidentiality
5.1 All members of the PPG (including the Face-to-Face and Virtual Groups) must be made aware of the need to maintain absolute patient confidentiality at all times. Any member whose work on behalf of the PPG includes work in the practice or consulting with other patients or members of the public should sign and return a copy of the practice’s Confidentiality agreement before undertaking any such activity.
7. Activities of the PPG
As required in the GP Contract, the PPG will:
7.1 Make reasonable efforts during each financial year to review its membership in order to ensure that it is representative of the registered patients in the practice.
7.2 Obtain the views of patients who have attended the practice about the services delivered by the practice and obtain feedback from its registered patients about those services.
7.3 Review any feedback received about the services delivered by the practice with practice staff and relevant members of the PPG with a view to agreeing the improvements (if any) to be made to those services.
7.4 Contribute to decision-making at the practice and consult on service development and provision where appropriate, expressing opinions on these matters on behalf of patients. However, the final decisions on service delivery rest with the practice.
7.5 Act as a sounding board to provide feedback on patients’ needs, concerns and interests and challenge the practice constructively whenever necessary, also helping patients to understand the practice viewpoint.
7.6 Communicate information which may promote or assist with health or social care.
7.7 Explore overarching ideas and issues identified in patient surveys.
7.8 Maintain a PPG area in the waiting room of the surgery with up-to-date information on current activities and opportunities for patients to comment (e.g., via a suggestion box). The PPG will, where possible, regularly meet and greet and engage with patients in the waiting area.
7.9 Act as a forum for staff to raise practice issues affecting patients, or for input into any operational issues affecting staff, so that patients can have their views on practice matters taken into account.
7.10 Act as a forum for ideas on health promotion and self-care and support activities within the practice to promote healthy lifestyle choices.
7.11 Raise patient awareness of the range of services available at the surgery and help patients to access/use such services more effectively.
Current Members of the PPG are as follows:
Mike Fairbairn (Chair)
07778 279127
Liz Scott
Val Sharp
Kim Shutes
(Secretary) 07816 316590
Jackie Howard
Bob Staples
Paul Elms
Tracy Ankers
Sarah Hey
Lynda Stephenson
John Ashworth
Mary Beattie
Zoe Elms
Neil Webster
Vicky Wood
Links to Minutes from the meetings of the re-formed PPG are as follows:
The following is a link to the full Constitution and Terms of Reference of the PPG:
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Slaidburn Country Practice
NHS East Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group