Our Practice Nurse offers a very comprehensive travel health service specifically related to your destination and the pursuits you may be undertaking whilst travelling. You may also require travel vaccinations.
Please either print out the travel questionaire below, complete and post, deliver to the surgery or complete the form electronically AT LEAST 7 weeks BEFORE travel.
The Practice Nurse will then decide which vaccinations you require after having checked your medical records and the requirements for the country/ies you are visiting. Please ring the Health Centre one week after submitting the completed travel questionaire to see if you need any travel vaccinations.
Most travel vaccinations are ordered on a private prescription so there may be a charge over and above the normal prescription charge – this is because travel vaccination is not included in the services provided by the NHS and therefore is a chargeable service.
Click here to download our travel questionaire as as a PDF
and email the completed form to: teamslaidburn@nhs.net
Fit for Travel website – www.fitfortravel.scot.nhs.uk